About Vice-Principal

Ms. Rupa Pradhan
Vice-Principal, Indian Institute of Legal Studies
Ms. Rupa Pradhan has been working as an Assistant Professor of Law at Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Siliguri, since 2013. She has pursued her LL.M. with specialization in Corporate Law and LL.B from the Department of Law, University of North Bengal, and is a Research Scholar under Cochbehar Panchanan Barman University. She previously worked as an Assistant Prof. in Law for 2.5 years at Midnapore Law College affiliated under Vidyasagar University. She has participated and presented papers in UGC Sponsored and other National Seminars organized by various Universities and Colleges. She has also actively participated in various Workshops/Conferences/Orientation/Faculty Development/Teachers Training Programmes organized by different Institutions. She also has published a research article on the topic of "Comparative Study of Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights in Present Day Economy" in IILS LAW REVIEW Vol-2 No. 1 (ISSN 2320-5318).
- Actively participated and Presented Paper on National Seminar on "Environmental Justice Through Sustainable Water Resource Management: Issues and Challenges and Solution" held 29th-30h December, 2018 organized by Department of Law, University of North Bengal.(Title: Waste Water Management: A Weapon to Sustainable Development)
- Actively participated and Presented Paper on UGC Sponsored National Seminar on "Protection of Human Rights: Current Trends, Issues and Challenges and Prospects" held 16th-17th December, 2017 organized by Jalpaiguri Law College.(Title: Child Trafficking: Role of State to Prevent Gross Violation Of Human Rights)
- Presented Paper on UGC Sponsored National Seminar on "Human Rights: Issues and Challenges in SAARC Region" held 15th-17th November, 2014 in Conference Hall, University of North Bengal; organised by Department of Law, University of North Bengal. (Protection of Human Rights of L.G.B.T People)
- Actively participated in National Conference on "Place of Deemed Homeless and Good Governance and Exclusive Growth " held during 27th -29th January, 2012 at The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata; organised by Legal Aid Society and Centre For Human Rights and Citizens Studies.
- Actively participated and presented paper in National Seminar on "Judiciary, Ethics & Justice Delivery in India in India" held during 21st -22nd January, 2012 at National Law University, Odisha; organised by National Law University, Odisha and Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi. (Title: "Judicial Accountability in India: A Critical Appraisal").
- Actively participated and presented paper in UGC National Seminar on "Social justice and Welfare State: Myth and Realities" held during 27th -28th November, 2010 in Conference Hall, University of North Bengal; organised by Department of Law, University of North Bengal. (Title: "Judiciary's Role in Promoting Social Justice and AIDS/ HIV+ve Patients").
- Actively participated in National Seminar on "Human Rights, Equality and health: Role of State and the Citizen" held during 27th -28th March, 2010 in Conference Hall, University of North Bengal; organised by Department of Law, University of North Bengal.
- Actively participated and presented paper in UGC National Seminar on "Human Rights Law: Trends and Challenges" held during 25th -26th November, 2009 in Science City Auditorium Hall; organised by Department of Law, University of Burdwan. (Title: "Human Rights and Prisoners in India").
- Actively participated in UGC sponsored National Seminar on "Emerging Dimensions of Legal Education and Legal Profession in India in Globalised situation" held during 28th February, 2009- 1st March, 2009 in Conference Hall, University of North Bengal; organised by Department of Law, University of North Bengal
- Actively participated in National Seminar on "The Protection of Human Rights and the Role of Law Enforcement Officials" held during 29th -30th March, 2008 in Rabindra Bhanu Manch, University of North Bengal; organised by Department of Law, University of North Bengal.
Participation in Training, Faculty Development, Orientation Programmes and Workshops etc:
- Actively participated in Orientation Programme on "Combating violence against women and girls for College/ University Teachers" held during 27th -31st August, 2018 organised by National Institute for Public Co-operation and Child Development, Regional Centre, Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 in collaboration with Centre for Women's Studies, University of North Bengal.
- Actively participated in Faculty Development Programme on "Corporate Governance Issues" held on 29th March, 2014 in NUJS Conference Hall organised by The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata.
- Actively participated in Faculty Development Programme on "Corporate Governance Issues" held on 23rd March, 2013 in NUJS Conference Hall organised by The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata.
- Actively Participated In One Day Training Programme On Human Rights Held On 23rd February, 2013 Organized By School Of Law, KIIT University in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi.
- Actively participated in Teacher's Training Programme on "International Humanitarian Law" held during 17th -19th November, 2011 at Hotel Landmark, Kolkata; organised by The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) and The International Committee of The Red Cross (ICRC).
- Actively participated in Workshop on "Torture" held on 13th August, 2011 held at Midnapore Law College; organised by Centre For Care Of Torture Victims, Kolkata.
- Actively participated in UGC-sponsored National Level Orientation Programme on "Perspectives on Women Studies: Contemporary Issues and Curriculum Development" held during 28th -30th March, 2011 at Vidhyasagar University; organised by Women's Studies Centre, Vidhyasagar University.