Ms. Samira Alam is currently serving as an Assistant Professor of Law at the Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Siliguri, indicating her interest and dedication to the field of academia. Her areas of expertise and interest include International Trade Law, Labour Laws, and Environmental Laws, particularly focusing on their application in the commercial and corporate sectors. She has a strong academic background and a passion for the field of law. Her journey started at the Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Siliguri, where she completed her LL.B (3 Years) degree in 2022. In the same year, she successfully passed the CLAT examination, earning her a seat at The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. Here, she pursued her LL.M. with a specialisation in Corporate and Commercial Law, completing her degree in 2023.
During her LL.M., she displayed her academic prowess by defending a contemporary dissertation thesis titled "A Study of SEBI Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Norms and the Role of CSR: An Analysis." This shows her commitment to exploring and understanding the intersection of corporate governance, social responsibility, and environmental considerations.With her solid educational background, specialized knowledge, and passion for academia, she aims to excel in the field of law, contributing to the understanding and development of legal principles, especially in the areas of her interest.