World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day


Supported by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), hemophilia awareness day was first established in 1989. The date of 17th April was chosen to honor Frank Schnabel the founder of WFH, whose birthday falls on the same date. Hemophilia is a condition in which bleeding is prolonged. Hemophilia is a condition present from birth and is normally inherited; you can't 'catch' hemophilia or pass it onto others. In some rare instances, hemophilia may develop later in life (typically affecting people in the 50+ age group). As with many other awareness campaigns, a simple but effective slogan is used to help raise awareness for the issues concerned. The slogan for World Hemophilia Day is 'Close the Gap', which reflects the difference in treatments available to people living in different parts of the world. By working together, it is hoped that we can close the gap of hemophilia care around the world. 'Close The Gap', is an apt phrase; when blood clots, a 'gap' is closed which stops bleeding