
Victimology – a new concept in law.

Crime affects a large number of victims who suffer physical, social, financial or emotional injury or harm which needs to be promptly redressed by providing them easy access to justice. In a broader sense, the term “victimology” may be defined as the scientific study of victimization, including the relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system; that is, the police and courts and correctional officials. It also includes the relationship between victims and other social groups and institutions, such as the media, businesses and social movements. However, it is important to note that the term “victimology” should not be restricted or confined to the study of crime-victims alone but it may extend to other forms of human rights violations that are not necessarily crimes. To be able to understand the concept of victimology, one should understand the meaning of the term “victim”, which in common parlance refers to all those who experience any injury, loss or hardship due to any cause and one of such causes may be crime.Initially around the 1940’s, the founders of branch of victimology like Benjamin Meldelsohn, Von Hentig and Wolfgang initially propounded the theory of “Criminal precipitation” by which they meant “hapless dupes who instigated their own victimization”. Later during 1970’s, propounders like Cohen and Felson came out with their “Routine Activities Theory”, which pre-supposes that a crime occurs when three conditions come together. They are:-i) suitable target ii) motivated offender(s) and iii) absence of security or parental care or guardianship. It has been usually said that criminals and victims often have some socio-demographic characteristics such as being nearly of the same group, both living in physical proximity etc. Victimology has now emerged as a branch of criminology dealing with exclusively with the victims of crime who need to be treated with compassion and rendered compensation and assistance under the criminal justice system. While criminology is concerned with the causation of crime, victimology is primarily concerned with the study as to why people fall a victim to crime and how they can be helped and assisted against abuse of power or criminal acts of the offenders through access to criminal justice system.The study also outlines the steps to be taken to prevent victimization against crimes and provide legal remedies to the victims of crime. However, the modern trend speaks of victimology as a multi-disciplinary subject. It is not only focused on victims of crime but relates to study of victims of traffic hazards, natural calamities, war crimes, abuse of power, corruption etc.

Mrs. Trishna Gurung,

Asst. Prof. in Law,




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