

International relations play a very important role in bringing Nations at peace and unity. No country can survive alone in this universe; therefore there exists an inter-relationship between these nations, Sovereignty of each nation is a remarkable feature which establishes their identity. International peace and security is only possible when these sovereign are in cooperation but that becomes a very difficult task as it involves individual power and supremacy. Inter-nation disputes have been  observed till time immemorial , starting from water disputes, border disputes, illegal immigration, illegal cross-border trafficking of arms and humans etc. the domination of super powerful nations over the less powerful nations has been marked in our world history with the outrage of many world wars resulting into massacre and widespread poverty. It could be summed up that Power and its effect have had a very bad toll in our past history.

The remarkable step to overcome this difference of powers and unite the nations was to reconstruct the League of Nation to United Nation. This progressive effort was made to ensure the main object of the International relation those are:

  1. Maintenance of peace and harmony
  2. The development of  friendly relations among the nations
  3. The peaceful settlement of international disputes
  4. The upliftment of the nations deprived of the basic social economical necessities

The creation of the united nation during the year 1945 has been playing a remarkable role in achieving the objects till date. The United Nation has its four organs:

  1. The General Assembly
  2. The Security Council
  3. The Economic and social council
  4. The Trusteeship Council
  5. The secretariat

The united nation consist of 192 member states and has binded themselves to be governed by the United Charter. These member states have participated in this international organization which I name it is ‘peace keeping organisation’ with the very object of preventing a next world war. The various principles under the charter itself provides basic rules to be followed by these member states that provides relating to Maintenance of peace and harmony, the  development of  friendly relations among the nations, the peaceful settlement of international disputes, the upliftment of the nations deprived of the basic social economical necessities, the members under the union act as one when it comes to global changes and its effects, cooperation between the nations has been encouraged. The various success stories of the United Nation itself are a document which reflects that no nation can survive alone in this universe.



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