

Status of women has changed than what it used to be so many years ago. The scenario has changed now. Women have become more empowered and independent. Women today are more educated and they do not rely on their husbands any more for survival. Women are taking their own decisions. Women are becoming more aware of their legal rights.

However Divorce, a subject which was once a social stigma, has become very common these days. It has become very easy to walk out of marriages. Earlier women were not so educated; they had to be dependent on their husbands. Moreover when they are married they are even said that they have to adjust with their husband in any circumstances. During the course even if they were subjected to any kind of torture they would tolerate and not complain. The reason was that they did not have much choice, they were not independent, and secondly they also feared the society as divorce was considered to be a social taboo. However things have changed for the better as well as for the worst. Women have become empowered. They are more financially sound.  Women are no longer subjected to such harassment if she doesn’t choose to be so. If she feels that things are getting intolerable she no more becomes subjected to such torture. Social incapability is said to be another cause. There have been cases where women after marriage are forced to leave their job and look after their family. Even after the compromise that they do for the family she is yet tortured and tormented. Women are tortured for so many reasons either because of dowry threats or other such sexual abuse

However with economic prosperity and the rising incomes of working women, they stand out completely against any such acts of their partners that they feel is intolerant. Indian Legal system also tries so far as possible to get the couple back in marriage because in India marriage is considered to be a sacred institution. There is compulsory marriage counseling and even if the divorce is filed by mutual consent they still undergo compulsory counseling. Therefore what is more important is valuing the relationship by both the partners of the marriage.



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