The process of development invariably involves exploitation of natural resources and consequently makes an impact on the ecology and environment. Energy is vital for economic & social development. But, in the efforts to enhance our energy production capacities India would rather conduct itself as a responsible State. This is where our obligation to sustainable development enters the picture.
The Brundtland Commission Report entitled Our Common Future (1987) was chaired by the then P.M. of Norway, Ms. G.H.Brundtland and as such the report is known as Brundtland Report. It defined sustainable development as “development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
The famous Rio Declaration (also called the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), puts the concept of sustainable development on national and international policy agendas. Agenda 21 remains a powerful document that provides long-term vision for balancing economic and social needs with the capacity of the earth’s resources and ecosystems.
Sustainable development has become catchword because it is directly linked to the survival of human beings, their civilization and the very environment of which they are an inseparable part.
Large section of the world’s population continues to live in perpetual poverty, hunger and starvation. Millions of people over are dying every year for want of basic necessities of their life. Therefore, sustainable development, if attended properly, holds the key to development with social justice and environmental conservation. This also holds a key to safe future for the mankind.