
Socialization: Important Factor For Growth Of Its Members

Socialization Important Factor for Growth of its Members

The legal arena has become an important part of modern society, which is far different from traditional or normative society. This can be an option for choice related to a successful career. Those who have completed their higher secondary degree can opt for 5 year B.A.LL.B.(H) Programme; and those, who have already done their graduation degree in general line and looking for some independent career can opt. for the 3 year LLB degree. So, for a successful career, it is important to first choose one of the best colleges for law. 3 or 5 years of college life along with internships, is a way of socialization among law students. In this Anticipatory socialization stage— the expert, experienced and dedicated faculty members guide the students thoroughly; so that, the students never face any sort of problems throughout their careers. This is made possible by acquiring them with every possible situation for upcoming job life.

Socialization is what makes a human being, a social animal. This development process is crucial for every human child, which makes them acceptable in society. Through the practice of different norms, values, and customs of society, the agents of socialization make new members acquire the social group they belong. Reading this, one might think that, this is a short-term process of childhood. But, no, it’s the wrong concept. Socialization is a lifelong process. Which starts from the birth and ends with life. With simple examples, this can be understood more easily. Suppose, one kid is using their right hand to shake hands with friends, eat food, or accept gifts or things from others — this is a correct way of interacting. Which has been taught by family members probably, this is one kind of socialization, simply known as Primary socialization. When people try to mimic or imitate the reference group, to whom they want to become. This is anticipatory socialization. Unlike all these when one is forced to unlearn all the norms s/he acquired once in life, is re-socialization. Widowhood, prisonhood, or settling into a different country may result in this kind of socialization in someone’s life. This might not feel important from a general point of view. But, from a Sociological perspective, this is one of the matters of concern.

Socialization is a process that is performed through the different agents of socialization. These are classified into primary agents of socialization and secondary agents of socialization. The primary agent of socialization is family. When there is informal, face-to-face and emotional contact with the members, that is called the primary group in Sociology. When the face-to-face connection is absent in a social group, is called a Secondary agent of Socialization. Faculty members not only give lectures; but, besides that, incorporating values and discipline is also what gets priority. Which positively affects the personality build-up of the students. Like any other institution, this law college which falls in the category of secondary agent of socialization, is one of the best colleges for law, according to the students of this esteemed institution.

