Social stratification is one of the most important characteristics of societies. Whenever there is a social stratification system we will be able to find social inequality. In modern society social inequality is crucial. Inequality of power and prestige has been found in almost all the societies , past and present, even if the degree of inequalities has been varied greatly. In particular power and status are unequally distributed between individuals and social groups. In many societies there are also a great differences in the distribution of the wealth. This unequal distribution of power , status and wealth in the society is not biologically based but derives from social arrangements. The biologically based inequality is natural or physical , because it is established by nature and consists in a difference of age, health , bodily strength and the qualities of the mind or the soul. By comparison , the different advantages and privileges enjoyed by the individuals in the society are socially created inequality. Socially created inequalities provide the basis for the system of social stratification.
The term social inequality refers to the existence of socially created inequalities. Social stratification means structured inequalities between different groupings of people. The concept of stratification, thus refers to the existence of social groups which are ranked one above the other in terms of the amount of power, status and wealth their members possess. Even in the simplest society where variations in wealth or property are virtually non-existent, there are inequalities between individuals, men and women , the young and the old. The essence of social stratification is the division of society into a pattern of strata made up of hierarchy of unequal group. StatusesĀ that make up a social structure may be differentiated but they need not be ranked with respect to one another.
Social differentiation provides the social material that may or may not become the basis for social ranking. In other words , whenever we encounters social stratification we find social differentiation, but not the other way round. All stratification must involve some differentiation between position, and the people who fill them, but not all differentiation generally leads to ranking, that is to stratification. The most important thing is economic relationship that creates economic inequality as one class dominates and exploits the other. There may also exist other basis of inequality apart from economic relationships but the history of all the societies , past andĀ present reveal that some social groups have controlled and exploited the other groups, and this powers derives, indirectly and directly , from economic inequality.
The historical conflict between capital and labour is yet to emerge as the principal determining factor in Indian politics.