

A consumer is the one who remunerates article to utilize goods and their services . He/She plays an indispensable character in the monetary arrangement of a nation. Without an appeal from consumer, manufacturers would dearth for one of the key catalysts to produce a good or product. The consumer also designs a part in the order of profit circulation . In India, the Consumer Protection Act 1986 discerns the realization of a commodity or service for personal use or to earn a livelihood. Only consumers are defended as per this Act and any person, institution or establishment buying a commodity for mercenary reasons is immune from any interests of this Act.

The aims and objectives of this Act are as following:

SL No Consumer Rights Consumer Responsibilities
1 Right to Safety This right needs each product which can probably be a crisis to our growth to be retailed after accepted with entire authentication as well as validation.
2 Right to information It means right to be advised about the condition, trait, amplitude, efficacy, pureness, and price of goods to protect the consumer against biased trade systems.
3 Right to Heard It means that consumer’s concerns will gain due attention at appropriate forums. The consumers also have the right to be served as in divergent forums rooted to consider the consumer’s welfare.
4 Right to Redressal It means right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices. It also prevents corruption as well as exploitation in trade practices. The Consumer courts in local, state and national level have been incorporated with the help of this Act, so that consumers can seek relief, remedy and compensation.
5 Right to consumer education Consumer education refers to explicit educational information by various conventional institutions, i.e, school, college etc. This can be done only by creating awareness through various campaigns. These campaigns have to be conducted by governmental and non-governmental. organizations.

