Pune has been a prestigious city in Maharashtra for a long era. This is the ninth most populous city and counted as one of the most developed one of India, in term of huge role in India’s economy, education and research, tourism, administration, culture etc. Speaking about the education and…
Juvenile is defined as a person who is not old enough to be held responsible for criminal act. In most of the federal states the age threshold for juvenile is 18. When we are talking about the juvenile justice this is the area of criminal law applicable to persons not…
Dowry the term is of great importance for the family of a girl in India. Dowry is one of the major reasons for increasing rate of female foeticide, violence on married women financial stress on the parents of a girl child, imbalance male-female ratio, broken marriages etc. in India. There…
Status of women has changed than what it used to be so many years ago. The scenario has changed now. Women have become more empowered and independent. Women today are more educated and they do not rely on their husbands any more for survival. Women are taking their own decisions.…
Social Media has caught the imagination of People. People express their views on the social networking site. They now access social media through various application and devices. People invariably post information and express their opinion freely and openly on the social media. However sometimes the line is crossed when such…