Top Law Colleges in Bangalore

Bangalore is not only the capital city of Indian state Karnataka; it is rather now one of the metropolitan cities of the country. Be it the IT sector, culture, sports or education –Bangalore offers a huge option to all the people living in and around. In fact, people from farther…

Top 7 Law Colleges in Mumbai

  Mumbai is one of the oldest metrocities of India and as a metrocity contains all the necessities of a modern life, Mumbai too is capable of pulling people towards it with development in various sections. Since a long era, the city has been a great contributor to the development…


Till June end this year, the government was worried about how to cope with back-to-back drought. But by the second half of August, the scene changed dramatically and several states were in the spate of floods. Apart from Assam, Bihar and U.P. which are prone to floods every monsoon season,…

Privatization of Higher Education

“Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain at one end you lose at the other. It’s like feeding a dog on his own tail. It won’t fatten the dog.” Mark Twain Knowledge is the driving force in the rapidly changing globalised…

Top 6 Law Colleges in Delhi

Over the years after independence, Delhi has been a great hotspot from all aspects. And holding the hand of development and reformation, education system in Delhi has been improvised and several schools, colleges and university have been established. People from all around India, even out of India, are coming to…