The Impact Of Drug Abuse On Juveniles In West Bengal

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On Juveniles In West Bengal

Drug abuse and juvenile delinquency are a troubled nexus plaguing societies worldwide, and West Bengal, India, is no exception. Adolescents who use drugs, particularly illegal substances, are more prone to participate in criminal activity owing to poor decision- making, more reckless behaviour, and financial despair among other factors. The repercussions…

E- Governance in India and its Features

E- Governance in India and its Features

The concept of E-governance can be understand as electronic governance by using the  application of Information and communication Technology at various level for providing  governmental services,exchange of information, transactions, amalgamation of previously  existing services and information portals. Here the letter ā€œeā€ in e-Governance stands for  electronic. The genies of this…