Judicial Bias

The person who decides upon the case should by no means have any benefit or detriment in the result or outcome of the case. Any doubt of any occurrence of partiality, biasness or suspicion renders the official disabled from acting as a judge of the case. It is a very…


It has been researched that the process of language acquisition is complex enough to be studied. As it is yet to be proved that how brain functions to acquire language. Language is a complex system made of several rules, then how a child manages to acquire that? According to Behaviourist…

On being a Democratic Country

Democracy has been defined differently by different people. According to the great Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle , democracy is mobocracy or rule of the crowd. In Greek language ‘Demos’ means crowd. ‘Cracy’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Kratos’or ‘Kratis’ which means power. However, in modern age, democracy…

Triple Talaq

Divorce in judicial language means legalized separation of spouse or in general meaning it means termination of marriage. Now, several religious communities construe dissociation of marriage in different logic. Like in Hinduism there was no concept of divorce but later by The Hindu marriage Act, 1955 the term “Divorce” was…


In recent years THE BUSINESS STRATEGY FIELD HAS EXPERIENCES THE RENAISSANCE OF Corporate Social Responsibility as a major topic of interest. Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families…