From the streets of Darjeeling

Darjeeling, known as the queen of the hills attracts thousands of tourists every year. The tourists comprises both of the domestic as well as international. Tourism, tea and transport are the three most important base of the economy of Darjeeling. Almost all the economic activities revolve around these three important…

Stress Management

The word Stress is derived from a Latin word “Stringere” which means hardship, adverting or affliction. Presently the term is a buzzword and is a serious concern to look the under pressure from al aspects of life. Stress can be viewed from different viewpoint. From the angle of Physics, stress…


What happens when too much carbon dioxide gets omitted into the earth’s atmosphere? The condition known as global warming occurs. Global warming is the rising of earth’s surface temperature due to chemicals in the atmosphere. It has many threats on the climate and the health of people on this planet.…