Technically, apart from the findings of material facts a decision can flow from two basis one ratio decidendi and the other being obiter dicta. Ratio decidendi of a judgment may be defined as the principles of law formulated by the Judge for the purpose of deciding the problem before him…
Rule of Law means the supremacy of law or to put it according to A.V. Dicey, who for the first time in 1885 gave a systematic analysis of the rule of law in the context of British Constitution represented the rule of law in three approaches firstly, absence of arbitrary…
Natural justice is a pervasive facet of secular law, where a spiritual touch enlivens legislation, administration and adjudication to make fairness a creed of life. The principles of natural justice or fundamental principles of procedure for administrative action are neither fixed nor prescribed in any code. Natural justice has meant…
The analytical school of jurisprudence is known by different names. It is called the Positivist School because the exponents of this school are concerned neither with the past nor with the future of law but with law as it exists i.e., with law `as it is` (positum). The purpose of…
The world adultery is well known to each and everyone in the society, but how many of us are actually well versed with its meaning and relevancy is a question to be pondered over. Adultery in simple language means having sexual intercourse with the opposite sex other than their own…