Distinctive Polarization

Divergence of the opinion and aligning towards the extremist view is dangerous to the nation as well as in the international forum. We know about the Cold War between America and Russia. Consequence of it is not hidden any one, crunch for the land and power is the main source…


Society arises in , develop through , survives by communication , which means the transmission of messages and transactions. As a means of political communication, mass media have probably become of supreme importance as it effects not only individuals but also the way politics is conducted and its main activities…


Political mobilisation is a process by which  a group goes from being a passive collection of individuals to an active participant in public life. Such groups may be based ob caste, class, religion , ethnicity or nationality , gender , specific issues like nuclear disarmament. A group may also arise…

Per Incuriam : An exception to rule of Precedents

The maxim ‘per incuriam’ is derived from the latin expression which means ‘through inadvertence’. “Incuria” means ‘carelessness’. In practice, per incuriam appears to mean per ignoratium. At times a decision may be given in ignorance or forgetfulness of some statutory provision or of some authority binding on the Court concerned,…