A domain name performs the same functions online, which a trademark serves in the offline business. While the trademark is striking graphic signifier of your product or company, the domain name is magnificent navigator to your company on the internet, and the virtual image of your business. Domain names can…
The doctrine of first sale is, in essence, a limit on copyright owners’ right of distribution. It is based on the logic that “once a copyright owner has parted with title to a particular copy embodying his work, successive possessors of the copy should not be put into trouble of…
E-contract is one of the divisions of e-business. It is similar to a traditional business wherein goods and services are switched for a particular amount of consideration. The important factor involved is that the contract takes place through a digital mode of communication. It provides an opportunity for the sellers…
Prior to the coming into force of the Copyright (Amendment) Act 1994, s. 33 to 36 dealt with Performing Right Societies which carried on the business of issuing or granting licenses for the performance in India of any work in which copyright subsisted. The activities of such societies were limited…
Gender Inequality is an idea about difference in the position of men and women. Men are considered as the dominant Homo sapiens in the universe whereas women are inferior to men in all respect in the universal society. History provides the evidence that women were always the worst sufferer in…