ABSTRACT: “HONOUR BASED VIOLENCE” or “HBV” is a specific crime or offence within families or social community or groups to shield and protect their respective cultural or religious beliefs or more particularly the family honour. “HBV” is a term used by the academics, statutory and non-statutory agencies world wide in…
Man is a social being, who lives in a society. Without society the life would be intolerable. The Greek political philosopher Aristotle said that , the man who doesn’t live in a society must be either a God or a beast. So, we all accept the fact that man lives…
Responsibility is one of the most important aspect of our life and a first step to building a positive personality. It means that a person is able to take some duties and to face certain consequences of the action that may occur. It is commonly accepted idea that the person…
English language as a medium of instruction was introduced in India in the nineteenth century by Lord William Bentick, the then GOVERNOR general of India, for imparting western education system. Even English played a great role in our freedom movement. It served as a lingua franca among the Indians belonging…
Chhaupadi is a social tradition followed in west part of Nepal by the Hindu women. Under this tradition a women during her menstrual period not allowed to participate in normal family activities. They are restricted from going school, temple, performing daily activities, entering in kitchen, consuming milk products, touch men…