The need for consumerism has been primarily due to the indifference of the business community. The main aim of all business is to maximize profit. Consumers have not only been called upon to pay higher prices but also have to settle at lower quality, spurious, duplicate and adulterated products that…

A humanitarian approach

Well versed are many academic individuals and scholars of this time, as well of the past, with the radical and ground breaking intellectual or to be more precise of the theoretical orientation of Karl Marx. So cherished and upheld are his works that a Marxist approach has become unquestionably still…

India – A multi-linguistic zone

India is place of hundred million of people inhibited in a land of multilingual, multicultural and multi- religious environment. India is always known for its diversity and multiplicity and as truly said India stands for unity in diversity. Languages from five different language families are spoken in India, namely, Indo-Aryan,…

Success And The Qualities That Makes Life Successful

What makes a person successful? How do we recognize success? To some people success might mean wealth. To others, it is recognition, good health, a good family, happiness, satisfaction and peace of mind. Success means different things to different people. Success without fulfillment is empty. Success doesn’t mean being liked…

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is age old social practice. It’s a kind of discrimination on the basis of sex which generally occurred in work place.  Recently only sexual harassment is recognized as “sexual harassment” and was prohibited as a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual  nature that tends to create a hostile or offensive work environment. Sometimes people might…