The question as to the admissibility of voice identification test in the American Courts came in the 1960s in the case of United States v. Wright[1] where the appellate court allowed the voice identification evidence to be admissible by the board of review. Next very important concern raised was whether…
With the advanced developments in the scientific world and technology there arises the need for the legal universe to take far-sighted approach in delivering and imparting justice. Sound Spectrogram was first developed by Alexander Melville Bell who penned the visual representation of the spoken words and sentences. It was based…
The South Asian countries are the victims of high level corruption, unfavorable governance and a never ending crisis of law. Moreover, the national development is also limited till a certain extent and political contexture is untrustworthy. Every South Asian country’s autocratic leadership faced legality conjuncture, political secret scheme in an…
GST or Goods and Service Tax is significant step towards Indirect Taxation system in INDIA. The filtration process of the indirect Tax System in India started from 1986 in the mode of Modified Value Added Tax. The aim to introduce GST in India is to bring our country under the…
Economists like Prof. Sidgwick, Edwin Cannan, Robbins, Dalton and Carr-Saunders have rejected the Malthusian theory of population. They proposed the modern theory called “The optimum theory of population”. Optimum Population– Car-Saunders defines optimum population as “that population which produces maximum economic welfare”. By optimum population we mean the ideal number…