One of the most important principles of Civilized Community is that crime should not go unpunished for protection of the interest of the people in the society. Same principle is recognized in International law. On the basis of that principle a state generally extend to another state assistance towards bringing…
It is said that “under capitalism, the consumer is the King”. The Consumer, in a capitalist society, enjoys perfect freedom of consumption. It is his/her preference which influences and regulates the nature of economic activity in a capitalist economy. The entire productive activity in the country is undertaken to satisfy…
It has been rightly quoted by David Brower, “We don’t inherit the earth from our Ancestors, but we borrow it from our children”. It is a universal truth that we don’t inherit the Earth but we merely hold it in trust for our coming generations. Due to this reason, we…
The basic needs of a human being are food, shelter and clothing irrespective of the status. It is not so difficult to get food and cloths but difficulty lies in acquiring proper shelter for oneself. For some unfortunate people getting shelter is beyond their reach. We have seen there are…
Nowadays, the Speaker recognition has been used in telecom services as well as for security purposes. The new test of voice identification is also used in banking services for identity verification of the customers. The science of voice identification has travelled a string of changes way back from the times…