Right To Adequate Housing

The basic needs of a human being are food, shelter and clothing irrespective of the status. It is not so difficult to get food and cloths but difficulty lies in acquiring proper shelter for oneself. For some unfortunate people getting shelter is beyond their reach. We have seen there are…

The legal position of Voice identification in India

With the advanced developments in the scientific world and technology there arises the need for the legal universe to take far-sighted approach in delivering and imparting justice. Sound Spectrogram was first developed by Alexander Melville Bell who penned the visual representation of the spoken words and sentences. It was based…


The South Asian countries are the victims of high level corruption, unfavorable governance and a never ending crisis of law. Moreover, the national development is also limited till a certain extent and political contexture is untrustworthy. Every South Asian country’s autocratic leadership faced legality conjuncture, political secret scheme in an…