Theories of the value of Money

The value of money is the quantity of goods and services in general that will be exchanged for a unity of money. The value of money indicates its purchasing power, i.e., the quantity of goods and services that a unit of money can purchase. The value of money has inverse…


We all know that our country, India is famous for its different customs and culture throughout the world. In India, it has been a tradition since ancient times that women are given special honour and respect. India is a country where special care is taken of the safety and respect…

Right to environment

A preliminary reading of Part III of the Constitution of India does not provide for any specific and explicit provision that guarantees the right to healthy environment. In order to fill this gap, the Parliament thought it necessary and for the same Article 48A and 51 (A) (g) were inserted…

Plea Bargaining

Plea bargaining is an important mechanism to dispose a criminal case without a trial. It is basically an agreement between the prosecution and the defense where the defense pleads guilty without facing trial. The prosecutor agrees to dismiss certain changes or make favorable sentence recommendations to the court. Plea Bargaining…