The term adultery is being used in matrimonial issues. For some people this word mayevokes pain which can be felt by the person who has experienced a broken marriage. The term adultery is driver from Latin word adulterated which means to alter or change. The term also signifies something which…

Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

This Act prevents discrimination in terms of remuneration. It provides for payment of equal recompense to men and women workers. It is necessary to know these and other laws in place to protect the interests of women. Only if you are aware of your rights can you fight against any…

Marital Rape: A Crime Undefined

The concept of Marital Rape is as old as marriage laws of India.  In India marital rape is not defined in the Indian penal code and thus not criminalized and it’s largely not viewed as rape in India due to the sacred nature of marriage in Indian culture. Marital rape…