Conflict is the breeding ground for mass violations of human rights including unlawful killings, torture, forced displacement and starvation. There is a difference between war and conflict, yet at the same time the platform both of them share is unequivocally same. Conflict means more than a war. International humanitarian law…
Awareness is the basic requirement of a healthy human society. It helps to impart knowledge to those sections of the society which are unaware & backward, while helping them towards leading a better social life. Every year 24th March is remembered as World Tuberculosis Day to raise public awareness in…
Every year on 21st March, people around the world celebrates “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. ‘Say no to Racism’ has become a global mass appeal. Human civilization has witnessed plenty of instances where, a minority race had to suffered worse inhuman treatment from the majoritarian powerful race.…
A consumer is the one who remunerates article to utilize goods and their services . He/She plays an indispensable character in the monetary arrangement of a nation. Without an appeal from consumer, manufacturers would dearth for one of the key catalysts to produce a good or product. The consumer also designs a part in the order of profit…
The era of ‘total war’ does not discriminate between civilians and combatants. However, one cannot petition the other to remain neutral towards the crime that is as barbaric as genocide or the terrorism that the psychotics plague upon men under the sheath of “jihad” (or call it the holy war,…