In the age of Dryden, there was a tendency of leaning towards ‘classicism’. However, this classicism was somewhat different from the classical spirit which we associate with the great Greek and Latin writers. Theirs was a degenerate kind of criticism but the ‘classical’ school of poetry which was already prominent…
The process of globalization has direct and indirect effects on theempowerment of women. Globalisation and neoliberalism have had a profound effect on the lives of millions of women. Capitalism itself has created new forms and manifestations of women’s oppression. Women’s oppression is a product of class society which has existed…
Marketing refers to the strategies and preparation you do to get your product or service ready to sell and identifying the target customers for your product. Marketing is a long term forward looking process whereby you determine how you’re going to package and brand your product and design it to…
Any language starts from the ear. Whenever a child is born, it gets accustomed to the language it listens to everyday. A child learns a language mainly by the process of imitation. On the other hand, a child born deaf is most often dumb also. Listening is indeed the foundation…
India is one of the mega-diverse countries with different combinations of biodiversity in the world. The livelihoods of most of the indigenous people depend on conserving and protecting traditional knowledge of the use and functioning of biological and natural resources. In recent times the increasing importance of traditional knowledge has…