Climate change violates many human rights, including rights to life, health, and property. In-deed, climate change already interferes with the enjoyment of certain rights. Climate change interferes with the enjoyment of rights recognized in human rights treaties, but a treaty‘s recognition of a human right does not mean that any…
The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding, international agreement that sets targets for industrialized countries to limit or reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by the year 2012. The main aim of this protocol is to protect and enhance the sinks and reservoirs for of green-house gases, promotion of…
As the famous saying goes “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”……Right to Speedy Justice is Declared as one of the Fundamental Rights. But sadly it remains just a myth now.The dispensation of justice is of very little meaning if it is not delivered on time.A delayed justice is almost no justice.While…
Human Right is relating to human. Nature of human right is different. It belong with the human being. It is inseparable with human being. It does not require any state recognition, any legitimacy from the state and any enforcement. Human rights are older than states. History of human rights can…
Everything must be done according to law. It controls the discretionary power of the Government that everything it does should within the law. Rule of law has become basic structure of the constitution. Supreme Court in many judgements had laid down. In the begging of the common law, two principles…