Honour killing is one of the gender based violence. Honour killing means homicide especially of women or a girl who is perceived to have brought dishonour on the family by marrying a boy of different community or caste against the wishes of family. It is a form of ‘crime of…
Indian Constitution provides one of the most important fundamental rights i.e. Right to Life and Personal Liberty which clearly speaks about the person’s right to live fully with proper liberty and dignity. But there are situation where these rights are not at all provided to the public at large. In…
The recent hot topic and the burning issues in the field of the Environmental law is the Climate Change and Global Warming. The concept of climate change is simply the process of changes in climate is now becomes improper as the duration and the time period of the weather and…
If someone says that India is a developed country and very much progressive so it cannot be a complete truth in respect to India. As Development and progressive also speaks about that there should not be any drawbacks and negative points in the scenario. In India if there are instances…
The ordinary definition of precedent is a previous instance or case which is or may be taken as an example or rule in subsequent cases by which similar acts or circumstances can be supported or justified. In judicial field it means guidance and authority for past decisions for future cases.…