Black and White is an image of the Legal Profession all through the world notwithstanding not many special cases. Black shading for the most part has a wide range of suggestions. Like each shading, it has both positive and negative undertones. In this way, on one hand, it implies passing, insidiousness and puzzle while then again, it connotes the quality and authority. Black speaks to accommodation of oneself. Much the same as Priests sport Black to demonstrate their accommodation to God, Lawyers don black to demonstrate their accommodation to justice. The shading white means light, goodness. These are taught in all Law college in West Bengal.

The historical backdrop of the ‘Black Coat’ goes back to 1327 when Edward III defined the ensembles for Judges dependent on the “Clothing standard” for going to the “Regal Court”. Toward the finish of the thirteenth Century, the structure of the Legal Profession in British was carefully separated between Judges; Sergeants, who wore a white hairstyle hairpiece on their heads and rehearsed from St. Paul’s Cathedral; and the four Inns of Court, partitioned into Students, Pleaders, Benchers (the Ruling Body of the Inn) and Barristers, who were generally hailing from Royal and Wealthy families. As taught in all Law college in West Bengal, the English Judicial Costumes worn by the Judges are the most particular working wardrobe in presence for over six centuries.
Black methods dark and, in this way, the sides of the prosecution and defence are dared to be obscure until they are validated by law, in this manner, ‘Black Gowns’. The American guidelines of criminal equity state that in light of the fact that the lawyer is an ‘Official of the Court’, he should bolster Court’s pride by adhering to the Court Rules of Decorum. The ‘Black Robe’ loans earnestness to the personality of Advocate and gives novel visual character to their expert picture. As taught in all law college in west Bengal, wearing ‘Black Robe’ makes a feeling of order among Lawyers and gives them a feeling of Power and sentiment of being upholders of Rights and Justice. Since Black shading is an image of poise, respect, intelligence and Justice and these are the qualities which each Lawyer and Judge needs to stay aware of. The ‘Black Robes’ bunches the message of power, information, carefulness and unfaltering quality.