
Importance of Legal education in Today’s world

Excellence in legal education and research is extremely important, because it will help shape the quality of the rule of law. The invaluable experiences that legal education can offer to future lawyers are several. Primary among them is exposure. To a wide range of legal subjects – procedure, contracts, torts, criminal law, evidence, constitutional law, corporate law, property law, administrative law, jurisdiction, labor law, commercial law and on and on and on. These are essential for the intelligent practice of law.

It also offers law students a supervised, rigorous and disciplined opportunity to learn practical legal skills though clinics, externships and trial practice and negotiation courses. This represents a superior way for young lawyers to gain skills rather than by running thankless errands for established lawyers who are often too busy to teach them. In a nutshell, legal education is a form of human science that offers beyond techniques, skills and competences the basic philosophies, ideologies, critiques, and instrumentalities all addressed to the creation and maintenance of a just society.



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