
Discipline And The Causes Of Indiscipline ( Among Students)

Discipline is paramount for every teaching and learning.  In the classroom discipline is regarded as a code of conduct that both the teachers and the students agree upon and cooperate in its enforcement. Does discipline mean corrective action after a problem occurs or a wrong is done? Is it imposition ? Is it abuse? Does it take away freedom? The answer is none of the above. Discipline doesn’t mean that a person takes a belt and beats up kids. That is madness. Discipline is learning firmness. It is direction. It is prevention before a problem arises. It is harnessing and challenging energy for great performance. Discipline is not something which you do to others. But something you do for those you care about.

Discipline is an act of love. Sometimes you have to be unkind to be kind: not all medicines are sweet, nor all the surgeries are painless, but we have to use it. We need to learn from nature. We all know about giraffe. The mama giraffe after its baby is born give a hard kick. The baby gets up, but his legs are weak and so fall down. The mama kicks it until it starts moving, why? Because the mama giraffe knows that the only chance for its survival is to get on its feet- otherwise it will beaten up by predators. Now the question is: is this an act of love? You bet it is.

Children brought up in a loving, disciplined environment end up respecting their parents more and become law-biding citizens. The reverse is just as true.

There are many causes of indiscipline. Here are a few:

  • Favoritisms : teacher favors some students and the other will see this favoritism as an offence against them which leads to rebellion
  • The rules are not enforced; when a student is not punished for an offence he/she goes on to commit more offense
  • The teacher student relationship: the relationship between teacher and student is essential for any learning process. If there is a breakdown in this relationship, indiscipline emerge
  • Lack of motivation: when the students are not motivated they intended to work in an indiscipline manner.
  • Bad habits: some students have acquired bad habits from the previous teaching experiences. Once a student, for instance, has formed the habit of coming to school late, it will be hard for him/ her to change the behavior.



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