The problem of child trafficking is the major problem of the world today. The globalization and commercialization of each and everything became fashion today. The human body is also been considered as commodity in this present world. Especially the body of child and women are considered as subject matter of exploitation by different ways. Almost all the countries, rich or poor presently affected by the menace of child trafficking. The International Community had adopted number of instruments to deal with the problem of child trafficking. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights 1948 confirms that right are universal and apply to everyone irrespective of their race, sex, ethnic origin or other distinction. All the human beings are entitled to all the rights guaranteed even to the victims of human trafficking. The Convention on Rights of Child 1989 is a major convention adopted by the United Nation with the objectives to protect the rights of child in the worldwide. The convention imposes obligation on the state parties to this convention whe ratified it, to respect and ensure all the rights establishes in the name of children. NON-DISCRIMINATION, BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD, RIGHT TO LIFE, SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT and also TO RESPECT THE VIEWS OF THE CHILD are the guiding principles for implementation of the rights guaranteed under the convention. Protection of children from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education and to be harmful for child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual and social development are included in the convention. But the increasing number of child trafficking for the purpose of sale, prostitution, pornography especially of girl child forced United Nation to adopt an OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON RIGHTS OF CHILD ON SALE OF CHILDREN, CHID PROSTITUTION, AND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY (2000). The protocol implies state parties to prohibit sale of children, chid prostitution, and child pornography.