Criticism is a practice of evaluation or corrective exercise of judging the merits and faults of something. It can therefore take many different forms. To criticize, doesn’t necessarily imply, to find fault, but the word is often taken to mean the simple expression of an object against prejudice, no matter positive or negative.
The most important thing is how do you offer constructive criticism. Criticize with a spirit of helpfulness rather than as a put-down. Offer solutions in your criticism. Criticize the behavior not the person, because when we criticize the person, we hurt their self-esteem. The right to criticize comes with a desire to help. As long as the act of criticizing does not give pleasure to the giver, it is ok, but when giving criticism becomes a pleasure, it is the time to stop.
The criticism should be made but it should motivates the others like, criticizing with a helpful attitude. Be a coach, be specific, rather than saying things like: you always or you never. Vague criticism causes resentment. Criticize in private not in public. Why? Because it maintain goodwill whereas public criticism can be humiliating. We should keep criticism in perspective. Don’t overdo it. Criticism is like giving medication. The medication should be a right mixture with a perfect dosage. Too much will have adverse effects and too little will be ineffective. Given in a positive way in a right dosage, it can work wonders.
There will be times when you will be criticized, sometimes justly and sometimes unjustly. The greatest people in the world have been criticized. Justified criticism can be very helpful and should be taken positively as feedback. Unjustified criticism is really a compliment in disguise. It is the average person who hates winners. When people are not successful and have nothing else to talk about they make you the target.
The only way you will never be criticized is if you do nothing, say nothing or have nothing. But you will end up being a big nothing. Accept the constructive criticism, an inability to accept constructive criticism is a sign of poor self-esteem. Accept constructive criticism immediately and emphatically and thank the person who give constructive criticism because he/she means well and has helped you.
The problem with most people is they would rather be ruined by false praise than culprit by constructive criticism. A person with high self-esteem will accept positive criticism and becomes better, not bitter