Social Media has caught the imagination of People. People express their views on the social networking site. They now access social media through various application and devices. People invariably post information and express their opinion freely and openly on the social media. However sometimes the line is crossed when such…
Human dignity is the most supreme attributes of the society. Every human being at the end of the day strives for that dignity to which he/she is entitled to. The Constitution of India also provides that every citizen irrespective of their caste/creed/sex/origin should not be deprived of their human dignity.…
“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often the real loser — in fees, and expenses, and waste of time. As a peace-maker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be…
A year has already gone by since the heart aching catastrophe hit the country of Nepal. Since then, a series of aftershocks or new waves of earthquakes have become a part of our daily lives. This definitely calls for a reminder to every person about the basic reasons behind such…
Gorkha Library: A Centurial Conspectus Animesh AL Rai Assistant Professor (Sociology) Indian Institute of Legal Studies The first Gorkha library in India which was established at Kurseong on 8th June 1913 recently celebrated the 103rd Foundation Day. If we look into the history of this library, hundred years ago, a…