The collapse of good conscience and the absence of accountability and public scrutiny have led to crimes against humanity and violations of international law. -Nelson Mandela In the contemporary era, all states including great powers have an urge to justify their conduct according to the established norms and legal rules.…
ABSTRACT: “HONOUR BASED VIOLENCE” or “HBV” is a specific crime or offence within families or social community or groups to shield and protect their respective cultural or religious beliefs or more particularly the family honour. “HBV” is a term used by the academics, statutory and non-statutory agencies world wide in…
Prior to the coming into force of the Copyright (Amendment) Act 1994, s. 33 to 36 dealt with Performing Right Societies which carried on the business of issuing or granting licenses for the performance in India of any work in which copyright subsisted. The activities of such societies were limited…
The well known maxim “ubi jus ibi remedium” states that “Where there is a right, there is a remedy”. The victims are free to move to the court of law and thereby ask for their relief and also for proper compensations in accordance with the merits and consequences of the…
Rights are rightly called social claims which help individuals attain their best selves and help them develop their personalities. If democracy is to be government of the people, it has to exist for them. Such a democratic government can best serve the people if it maintains a system of rights…