

Public opinion is usually taken as the opinion of the public. In a democratic system public opinion occupies an important place as because public opinion is considered as the voice of the people. By public we do not mean an exact number of individuals or a fixed body of individuals.…

Understanding the genealogy of the word ‘Gorkha’

The justification for better understanding  of the issue pertaining to the Gorkhas in India cab be well justified, if not completely, by trying to understand their massive, intricate and compound history which had its roots engraved mainly in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal. The history of the Gorkhas is not…

Stress Management

The word Stress is derived from a Latin word “Stringere” which means hardship, adverting or affliction. Presently the term is a buzzword and is a serious concern to look the under pressure from al aspects of life. Stress can be viewed from different viewpoint. From the angle of Physics, stress…

Technology and Pollution

With every passing day, we see the world is reaching to the pinnacle of technology and urbanization. This age is rightly called the “Gizmo Age” as are daily life is somewhat paralyzed  with the use of modern day gadgets and technology like Cell phones, electrical appliances like television, air conditioners,…