
The Need for Recruitment Policy In An Organization.

The recruitment and selection is one of the most important parts of any organization. A good candidate during the recruiting can become an asset of the recruiting organization. At another side of the same coin a bad selection during the recruiting process can become toxic to an organization and its’…

Importance of Marketing Research

The Marketing Research is the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data pertaining to the marketing conditions. The basic reason for carrying out the marketing research is to find out the change in the consumer behavior due to the change in the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion).It plays…

Indian Education System – Needed Reform

“Focus should be on Skill-based Education: Give a man a fish and you feed him one day, teach him how to catch fishes and you feed him for a lifetime” With these words I Focus The history of Indian education has its roots to the ancient ages where they followed…

Selection process

Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with the contract of employment. In practice, the process differs among organizations and between two different jobs within the same company. Selection procedure for senior managers will be long-term and rigorous, but it is simple…