
United Nations Security Council: Provision of Resolution Number 1267

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) members, including USA, brought a resolution asking for a UNSC vote to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief  Masud HYPERLINK “https://m.economictimes.com/topic/Masood-Azhar”  HYPERLINK “https://m.economictimes.com/topic/Masood-Azhar”Aj HYPERLINK “https://m.economictimes.com/topic/Masood-Azhar”har as a global terrorist. This possible move comes after China, for the fourth time, blocked the resolution on Azhar under the 1267 Sanctions Committee list. A UNSC vote…

Youths and Misuse of Technology

The human society is changing much profoundly day by day due to unprecedented technological advancement and changes it has brought. The rise of AI (Artificial intelligence), robotics, Quantum Computing, 5G, Nano Technology have reached the zenith of unbelievable achievement, accomplished the mission which were once myths and fantasy of the…

The New Reservation System

The Parliament of India recently passed the 124th Constitutional Amendment Bill 2019, to extend the system of reservation to economically weaker sections of the society. The new reservation policy gives 10% quota to economically weaker segment of the general caste category in government jobs and educational sectors. The parameter to…


Development depends on the economic growth, standard of living and education. To have more economic growth, industrialization is considered to be an important determinant. An area associated with industries is bound to be urbanized and hence bound to generate either degradable or non degradable waste. This has been a major…