
Stress Management

The word Stress is derived from a Latin word “Stringere” which means hardship, adverting or affliction. Presently the term is a buzzword and is a serious concern to look the under pressure from al aspects of life. Stress can be viewed from different viewpoint. From the angle of Physics, stress is a force which acts on a body to produce strain. In physiology, stress is the changes that occur in physiological function in response to evocative agents.  Therefore it may be said that stress is the pressure people feel in life due to their interaction to situation.

Stress can be categorized under Functional Aspect and Dysfunctional Aspect. Functional Aspect of stress is that it drives the person to achieve the goal and dysfunctional aspect is the consequences of Stress. Functional Aspect of Stress can be referred to as EUSTRESS which means healthy, positive, constructive outcome of stressful events and the stress response activates and motivates people to achieve their goals and succeed in their life challenges.

Causes of Stress:

There are several causes of Stress like Environmental Causes, Organizational Causes and Interpersonal Causes or Inter Group Causes.

Environmental causes of Stress are felt by the organizations employees when there is abrupt change in the external environmental variables. The environmental changes include technological, family demands and obligations, economic and financial conditions, relocation, transfer etc.

Organizational factors of Stress include rigid organizational policies, procedures and structure. For example downsizing the employee is extremely stressful to both the employees who are being sacked and those who are remaining in the organization.

Group Causes of Stress includes lack of group cohesiveness, social support and inter group conflict.

Consequences of Stress:

Physiological Consequence of Stress exerts pressure on human brain. People suffer from tension, headaches, high blood pressure and so on.

Psychological Consequence of Stress includes dissatisfaction, moodiness, depression, anger, anxiety, and irritability and so on.

Behavioural Consequence of Stress affects the behaviour of the employees.  Under eating or over eating, sleeplessness, obesity and etc.

Stress Management:

Stress restricts Organizational performance. Hence it’s management is a must so the manager can intervene to manage stress in the following way:

  1. Setting Clear Objectives
  2. Stress Audit
  3. Counselling

Spreading the message to be fit and healthy



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