

                      – a step towards more patriotism and less nationalism

“Janani Janmabhumischa Swargadapi gariyasi” – as the Sanskrit verse very aptly says, “Mother and Motherland is superior to Heaven”- Serving and loving your nation is the ultimate way to earn salvation, and true patriotism truly stands for this. Patriotism is the unfathomable and deep rooted love and not to forget a profound sense of legacy  and  ideologies associated with culture, history, linguistic identity  of one’s own motherland.

People with repugnance or abhorrence for their country can barely be found, and even though found  but is this at all possible to instil and inculcate the sense patriotism and jingoism into them by the means of some institutionalised mechanisms ?  The question might instigate a quite a lot of difference in opinions amongst the people, as did the order by the Supreme Court made in 2016 to play the National Anthem mandatorily in all the movie theaters before the screening where everyone was to stand up during the national anthem in order to” respect” and reverence towards the mother land.

The order which quickly prompted and waved a nationwide criticism against this Supreme Court Order, hinting at the issue that standing during the National Anthem can only proof someone’s devotion, loyalty and patriotism for his country!!Stating of which, it was on November 30,2016 the apex court passed the order directing the cinema halls to play National Anthem to be mandatory. Amidst all such controversies recently the Court accepting the central government’s suggestion ,took the effort to modify its earlier interim. Making it optional   the Court clarified that playing 52 seconds long National Anthem prior to the screening is no more mandatory.

Now, playing the National Anthem in the movie theatres is a choice that the hall owners have been given , since it will depend upon the discretion of the hall owners whether to play it prior to screening or not.  However, while playing National Anthem it was absolute necessary for people to stand up in respect. The Court had also elucidated and clarified that the disabled persons “shall remain in force on all occasions”.

However,  mere bragging and swanking about nation does really not exhibit how much in depth respect one  bears for the mother land. Sitting during the National Anthem play does not assert any one to be less patriotic . The Nation welcomes this modification which obviously does not voice volumes in favour of radical nationalism.



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