
Animal Slaughter: A Menace in The Name Of Religion

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “If a well being of country is to be measured, the well being of the animals staying the country should be ensured”.

Somewhere or the other, something is wrong with the country of one and half a million people, where lives of hundreds are given up every day by citing mere reasons of religion. Under the veil of custom and tradition people take away the lives of hundreds of those who cannot speak of their pain and grief. It has however been difficult for us to identify who the actual animal is; one who speaks with his sword on the quiet being or the one who respectfully submits himself to the masters’ orders giving up its precious life.

Travel to any state, any city or any village of the country, these killings are common, irrespective of the religion one professes. Speak of the menace and hundreds shall be ready to behead you too. Animal slaughter has become a major issue towards which the attention is yet to grab.

It’s saddening that in our country only a particular animal is being safeguarded and protected in the name of religion. Only one animal is seen these days enjoying the immunity of not being slaughtered, or being protected by the savior community who can do anything under the light of protecting the animal.

The question is why doesn’t the same community come forward when other animals are slaughtered? Where do their consciences get washed away when other animals are beaten to death? Why do their eyes get closed by the veil of religion when other animals are sacrificed? Irony is that, one animal is a God for them whereas the other is being slaughtered in the name of sacrifice in the God’s temple itself.

If people of a certain group expect the other not to slaughter their holy animal, why can’t they bring the same respect for all other living creatures? Just to be protected from getting sacrificed, do animals also need to proclaim certain religion?



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